Poster Presentations - Accepting Applications!
The Zero Waste Forum 2018 will be opening the floor on Friday 16th November between 1:15pm and 2:30pm for around 7 - 10 organisations to give a presentation of their work.
Initial preference will be given to our members, however we will open this out to all suitable applicants if the spaces aren't filled. We invite any organisations around Australia working to reducing waste through community reuse, recycling, repair and waste management to apply for this! To apply, please email @email with:
1. A short bio (100 words or less)
2. A high res logo, and
3. A link to your website.
The successful applicants will be notified by Friday 2nd November, and will be required to have an A1 poster creative design sent through by Fri 9th November to accompany your presentation.
For more information about the forum program and registration visit https://www.zerowastenetwork.org.au/forum
We hope to hear about the great work that YOUR organisation is doing to reduce waste in Australia!